Technical Designer & Artist

Inspired by music, creating the surreal, personal, and comical one experience at a time.

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Hi there!

My name is Steven Harmon. I’m a multidisciplinary game designer with an emphasis in technical implementation (scripting mechanics, connecting systems, and developing art pipelines), cinematics (virtual production & motion capture), and level design. I graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) with a bachelor’s degree Interactive Media Game Design (IMGD). I also have a background of 10 years in theater as an actor, playwright, and director at the Denver Center for Performing Arts and various other theaters. I’m passionate about education, community organizing, toilets, film, skateboarding, pecan pie, and DIY.

Currently I’m solo adapting an immersive theater play Zotto to PC Desktop & VR in collaboration with the Japanese Arts Network and pursuing work opportunities in tech/content design.


Entertainment Software Association · Voyage LA · Queerly Represent Me · Digital Diversity · Dev Talks · Inven Global · Late Knights Podcast · USC · Novelle · Be Indie Now


2020 "Thank you. I'll make you proud by making good in games"

2019 "Make the world a little smaller and the industry a bit more inviting"

2018 "It's a great feeling to be understood, and I never want to let that go"

2017 "I am my work and my work is me"

Copyright (c) 2023 StevenHarmonGames, LLC